Pain versus Suffering
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth...

Daring Greatly
The last Daring Way workshop I will be facilitating this year will start in a week, on Thursday, Oct 13th, 10am-12.30pm. I know a lot of...

The Truth Hit Me
The truth hit me! Hard in the stomach. It happened last week. As the proverb says: "Knowledge is only a rumor until it lives in your...

Are you being good to you?
A few years back I was standing by the stove making dinner. I remember it clearly, making meat sauce, the spaghetti boiling. I was...

That first step...
I remember the summer days from my childhood fondly. The lake in my hometown where pretty much everyone gathered. Young and old....

Adding some spice
Last week I was inspired by a 5 day online challenge to add some adventure to my life. Not necessarily ADVENTURE as in jumping out of...

See the Love
A beautiful friend of mine, Jennifer, sent me a note awhile back that I would love to share with you. She is a poet that paints. She...

Interesting (and fun) personality test
What do you think Barbara Walters, Desmond Tutu, Colin Powell, the Pope and I have in common? We are all ESFJ’s. And what is that, you...

Gimme a hug!
“Mom, come here. I want to say goodnight.” That’s the cue. Whatever I am doing, washing the dishes or sitting by the computer, I know its...

Finding our tribe
I have a thing for children’s books with great messages (see earlier post on The Heart and The Bottle). Last week I got a new one that I...